Download and install Norton Password Manager browser extension

Norton Password Manager helps you access, manage, and secure your passwords and personal information that you rely on for your online activities. It also keeps your passwords synchronized across different browsers and mobile devices.

Google Chrome

  1. Open Google Chrome.

  2. Open Chrome Web Store and search for Norton Password Manager.

  3. In the Norton Password Manager extensions page, click Add to Chrome.

    In the pop-up that appears, click Add Extension.

Microsoft Edge

  1. Open Microsoft Edge.

  2. Open Microsoft Edge add-ons page and search for Norton Password Manager.

  3. In the Norton Password Manager extensions page, click Get.

    In the pop-up that appears, click Add extension.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox.

  2. Open Mozilla Firefox add-ons page and search for Norton Password Manager.

  3. In the Norton Password Manager extensions page, click Add to Firefox.

    In the pop-up that appears, click Add.

Video: How to install Norton browser extensions

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DOCID: v117744069
Operating System: Windows
Last modified: 05/01/2024