Correction du problème : un fichier ou un programme est détecté en tant que menace même après l'avoir exclu de l'analyse

Norton scans your files and folders using multiple components, such as Auto-Protect, Behavioral Protection, or File Insight. If you exclude a file or folder that is detected by Auto-Protect, the same file or folder is detected again in the next scan by a different component like Behavioral Protection or File Insight. This occurs due to the detection of the file's signature. To resolve this, you need to exclude the signature from all scans.

Exclusions reduce your level of protection and should be used only if you have a specific need.

Exclude signature from all scans

  1. Open your Norton device security product.

    If you see the My Norton window, next to Device Security, click Open.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. In the Settings window, click Antivirus.

  4. On the Scans and Risks tab, next to Signatures to Exclude from All Detections, click Configure.

  5. In the Signature Exclusions window, click Add.

  6. In the Security Risks window, under Security Risks List, select the signature you want to exclude from being scanned.

  7. Click Risk Details to know more about the selected signature. If you still want to exclude it, click Add.

  8. Click Apply and OK.

  9. Click Close.

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ID du document : v115455517
Système d’exploitation : Windows
Dernière modification : 17/07/2024