Learn more about NCTUE security freeze (for utilities) and how to place it

Like the credit bureaus, the National Consumer Telecom & Utilities Exchange (NCTUE) is a consumer reporting agency that maintains data such as payment and account history for services such as telecommunications, pay TV, and utilities. By placing a freeze with the NCTUE, you prevent the information from being reported to others.

Identity Thieves may open a utility account, such as a phone line in your name and drive up balances on it, leaving you financially responsible. Companies that are members of the NCTUE share data to aid in risk mitigation when granting new service.

Place a NCTUE security freeze

To place, request a temporary lift, or remove a NCTUE security freeze, please click here.

Depending on your state, please select the appropriate exchange data report. Make sure to unfreeze the file before applying for new utility accounts.

You can learn more about NCTUE on their website.

§For Norton offerings provided to you by a Service Provider or through channels outside the United States, the LifeLock identity theft protection services and coverage, plan feature names and functionality might differ from the services offered directly by Norton. Please contact your Service Provider for details on their Norton plan offerings.

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운영 체제: Android;Mac;Windows;iOS
최근 수정된 날짜: 2023/11/30