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Learn more about the existing bank account update alert

Existing bank account update alert is triggered when there is a change or update to an existing or closed bank account. It is caused by an update to your contact information, the addition of an authorized user to your account, or your being added as an authorized user to another person or company's account.

It is important for you to review the alert as identity thieves may try to change your information on existing accounts to take control of your accounts, allowing them to withdraw funds without your knowledge.

If you received an alert, verify that the information with the bank is accurate by contacting your bank. The phone number can be found in the alert or by logging in to your bank's website.

§For Norton offerings provided to you by a Service Provider or through channels outside the United States, the LifeLock identity theft protection services and coverage, plan feature names and functionality might differ from the services offered directly by Norton. Please contact your Service Provider for details on their Norton plan offerings.

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DOCID: v127284983
Operační systém: Android;Mac;Windows;iOS
Poslední úprava: 27. 11. 2023