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Set a strong password for your Norton Password Manager vault

Norton Password Manager requires you to create a strong password to prevent unauthorized access to your personal information. To create a strong password, you need to avoid the following:

  • Create guessable passwords

  • Create commonly used passwords

Guessable passwords

Guessable password implies that the time and effort required to guess your vault password is less when compared to a strong vault password. It does not mean that your vault password is known to everybody, but a determined cybercriminal can identify your password if tried continuously.

Commonly used passwords

Your Norton Password Manager vault password may be very similar to some passwords that have been found in studies of actual compromised password lists. Cybercriminals use these passwords to decode the password and hence, Norton Password Manager guides you to avoid using such passwords. You can use the Norton Password Manager password generator to create a complex password that is not commonly used.

You can also use the Norton Password Manager password generator to create a complex password that is not guessable.

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DOCID: v130049416
Operating System: Android;Mac;Windows;iOS
Last modified: 06/26/2024