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Norton 360 Android app detects a known app as a 'Privacy Risk'

The App Advisor protects your device by warning about the apps installed that can leak personal information. The cloud-based Reputation Scan warns you about the installed apps, helps you remove malware apps, and you can also learn how much personal data your apps collect.

To know more about the behaviors that App Advisor checks for, read Learn more about App Advisor in Norton 360 for Android.

If you want to trust the app that is detected as a Privacy risk and continue using it, add it to the Trusted list.

Add an app to the Trusted list

  1. Launch the Norton 360 app.

  2. Tap Security and then tap App Security.

  3. Tap the app that you want to trust and then tap the Trust app option at the bottom of the screen. Norton add it to the trusted list.

We recommend that you uninstall the apps that are listed under the Malware apps category.

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Operációs rendszer: Android
Utolsó módosítás: 04/06/2024