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Update your Norton Family profile and other information

On the parent profile settings page, you can edit your display name, time zone, and other information. You can use Norton website or Norton Family parental control app for Android to update your profile.

Norton website

  1. Sign in to your account.

  2. Click your profile icon.

  3. Click and then click Edit Profile.
  4. You can do the following:

    • Update your Display Name or Time Zone.

      For accurate reporting, set the time zone to match that of your child's device.

    • Select an avatar or upload a photo.

  5. Click Save.

Norton Family parental control app on Android

  1. Open Norton Family parental control app in Parent mode.

  2. Tap on your family profile.

  3. Under My Account, do the following:

    • To change your profile picture, tap Change profile picture to choose an avatar for your profile. You can tap the camera icon to select a picture from your gallery or to take a photo.

    • To change your profile name, tap Name and enter your preferred display name.

    • Tap Time zone to set a one that best suits you.

    • To view your subscription details, tap Norton subscription.

  4. Tap OK.

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DOCID: v127235102
Operačný systém: Android;Windows;iOS
Naposledy zmenené: 19.08.2024